Chinese Famille Rose Green Narrow-Mouth Vase with Foliage Prints
Chinese Famille Rose Green Narrow-Mouth Vase with Foliage Prints
It is 33.8cm tall with a 7.6cm mouthdiameter and 10.2cm base diameter.
The vase has a narrow mouth, straight neck, slanting shoulder, oval belly and ring foot which extends outward. The body of the vase is green-glazed which show how bright and clear with the colour of freshness and elegance the vase is. The bell is painted with foliage patterns, lotuses, bats and peachies which signifies perpetual happiness, longevity and good fortune for all.
The vase is of great value and is perfect for appreciation and collection with its exquisite and elegant shape, skillful painting and neat decorations.粉彩绿地缠枝纹小口瓶
高 33.8 厘米,口径 7.6 厘米,足径 10.2 厘米。